Is Your Garden Prepared for the Summer Heat?

September 30, 2021

Summer is quickly approaching, and so is the heat that comes with it. So, how prepared is your garden to survive the heat waves from summer? Is your plant selection water-wise and heat-resilient? In this article, our team of landscape design and construction in Sydney gathered practical tips that you can do during the rest of spring to prepare your garden for the summer heat. So keep on reading to keep your garden alive and vibrant!

Work on the roots

Your plants’ roots are the key element for their survival during the heat. If the roots cannot get enough water or moisture, your plant will start wilting, which is a sign that your plant is already out of the nutrients and water it needs. To have strong roots, they must be able to grow as deep down as they can. So how can you help the roots to reach down? It all has to do with how you water your plants and garden. Most people water their gardens in the evenings to use less water because it doesn’t evaporate, but using less water means that it stays closer to the surface. Therefore, it moves the roots to continue growing more on the surface level. Changing your water schedule can do wonders; do the watering of the garden early in the morning and use plenty of water. The water will reach a lot deeper into the soil, and the excess moisture on the surface will evaporate with the sun. As a result, the roots will change their paths to grow deeper down where the water is. Once the roots are as deep as they can, your plants will do a lot better during the summer heat.

Keep in mind that the abundance of water can also develop fungi that could damage your plants, so make sure that there will be enough sun on the day when you use abundant water. On cloudy days, it is better that you use less water to prevent mould from appearing.

Give Nutrients to Your Plants

Just like humans, plants need the right amount of nutrients to remain healthy and robust. A well-nurtured plant can easily cope with the problematic conditions of summer heat. However, that doesn’t mean you should fill them with massive amounts of fertilisers. An excessive amount of fertiliser can harm the health of the plants. It makes them pull in more water than usual to process the extra nutrients, making them vulnerable to pests and diseases.

Suppose you are growing vegetables, herbs, or fruit trees. In that case, you can use a mixed solution of liquid fertilisers with seaweed tonic, always paying close attention to the recommended doses from the manufacturer.

Protect The Soil With Mulching

This is a must-do activity during spring. Adding a layer of 50 to 80mm mulch to the soil will increase its capacity to retain moisture. Instead of having the sun hit the soil directly, it will hit the layer of mulch, keeping the soil at a lower temperature and retaining moisture. The plants’ roots will also have a lower temperature, preventing the evaporation of water.

Keep an eye on how the mulching reacts to water. You want to ensure that the water is still flowing free into the soil and reaching as deep as possible. Sometimes, the mulching produces a coating on the soil that seals it and prevents the water from sinking in, so watch it while watering to ensure the water is not being pushed out.

Change Your Approach to Your Garden

Following the tips above will help keep your plants alive during the summer heat, but the best approach is to design a garden built to survive the hot summer conditions. The team at Custom Creations Landscapes is experienced in the needs and conditions of gardens and landscapes in the Sydney region. Also, adding some hardscaping features to your garden can assist in providing shade to protect your plants. What about adding a pergola or gazebo with ivy on it? It would create a nice atmosphere and good shade to protect your plants.

No matter what ideas you have in mind, the team at Custom Creations Landscapes will be pleased to discuss with you what are the best options for your garden to have a stunning and sustainable design. Contact the best team of landscape architecture today!